10月15日,基于波卡生态的创新借贷服务平台DefiCliq线上AMA活动圆满结束,DefiCliq CEO兼创始人Shantanu Sharma做客直播现场,与粉丝朋友们分享了DefiCliq 的项目亮点和Farming 2.0的最近情况。本次线上活动由币小白主办,以下为直播内容整体回顾:

【AMA回顾】波卡生态腾飞|借贷平台DefiCliq Farming 2.0正式上线-区块读刊


Before we start, could you introduce yourself and DefiCliq briefly?


I am the CEO and  Founder of DefiCliq. Deficliq’s mission is to democratize the lending market opening further possibilities in this untapped space, with the firm belief that everyone has the right to finance their endeavors in a safe, secure, and transparent environment. As such, we are the first company to provide both collateralized and uncollateralized loans that, too in both p2p and traditional ways, with more features like DAO (off-chain governance), staking, interoperability in one place.



In the mission to accomplish our vision, we have successfully launched the staking platform for eth and bsc tokens which currently provides staking facility to 5 tokens on both the network including CLIQ, BNB, XEND, ACXT, DGCL, Coreto. We are also launching our Staking 3.0 on coming Monday. Currently our TVL is +5M which has been increasing actively and our aim is to reach 100M TVL by End of 2021.

为了实现我们的愿景,我们已经成功启动了ETH和BSC代币的质押平台,目前该平台为包括CLIQ、BNB、XEND、ACXT、DGCL、Coreto在内的5个代币提供质押。我们还将在下周一发布Staking 3.0。目前,我们的TVL已超过500万,并仍在迅速增加,我们的目标是到2021年底达到1亿TVL。



The lending circuit has always been an important part of the crypto ecosystem. What are the common problems with existing lending projects in the current industry ecosystem? What changes did DefiCliq bring to us in these aspects?


There are some problems with every protocols in crypto space whether we talk about lending protocol or we talk about Staking Problem. what we are trying to do is to bring all these defi features at one place on top of some additional features making DefiCliq the most powerful protocol in this space.



for ex, before our Staking platform was launched there were many protocol providing the similar features but we took it one step further and built cross chain staking platform which was earlier only restricted to Eth, we have built it not only for eth but rather for BSC and coming on MOVR as well.



In the near future we will also be launching it for AVAX and other bigger blockchains. Similarly we are doing it for liquidity mining as well. This is the very big change we are bringing to this space.



Q3:自推出以来,在日趋火热的波卡生态上,DefiCliq获得了很高的关注度,最近DefiCliq Farming 2.0也是正式上线,2.0版本都带来了哪些新变化?

DefiCliq has attracted much attention in the mounting Polkadot ecosystem since its launch. DefiCliq Farming 2.0 was launched recently and what are the new changes of Farming 2.0?


Yes, as stated in our whitepaper and on website, we are a Polkadot project which recently announced its Parachain Auctions. As a Polkadot project we are building our staking platform on MOVR.


Our Farming 1.0 is built on Uniswap and Farming 2.0 is built on Pancakeswap.

我们的Farming 1.0是基于Uniswap,而Farming 2.0是基于Pancakeswap。


Farming 2.0 features include:

Pool based LP staking,

High Farming APY upto 290%,

Early Withdrawal,

Live Staking Rewards,

Low Fee etc.

Farming 2.0的特点包括:


Farming APY高达290%






As the first company to provide both collateralized and uncollateralized loans in both P2P and traditional ways, what are the features and technological advantages of Deficliq?


【AMA回顾】波卡生态腾飞|借贷平台DefiCliq Farming 2.0正式上线-区块读刊



As we all know, excellent teams constituted the core of the development and installation of the project. What is the current situation of the DefiCliq team? Can you tell us something about it?


The whole deficliq team is quite experianced in running both real world companies and crypto companies as well. We have been in the space since 2017 and seen the space going through lots of ups and down whether its 2017 ICO bubble, regulatry fuds etc.



Talking about our advisors then we do have highly experianced guys on board like Ioana Frincu who has been featued as Forbes 30U30, we have charlie Shrem who is the founding member of Bitcoin Core and has been in the space since 2013, we too have bradley townsend who has been an advisor of lots of successful projects inclunding Orion which recently got lised on Coinbase.

说到我们的顾问,我们有极具经验的Ioana Frincu,曾入选福布斯30位30岁以下企业家,我们还有Charlie Shrem——比特币的核心创始成员,自2013年以来一直在这一领域, 我们也有Bradley Townsend,他是许多成功项目的顾问,包括最近在Coinbase上市的Orion。


you can check our team and advisors on our website as well: https://www.deficliq.com/

大家也可以在我们的网站上查看我们的团队和顾问: https://www.deficliq.com/





Let’s talk about the issues that matter most to everyone, what was the economic model of the DefiCliq token CLIQ? How can users better engage and earn revenue?


【AMA回顾】波卡生态腾飞|借贷平台DefiCliq Farming 2.0正式上线-区块读刊

There are various ways of engaging with our Protocol:

  • Staking on Staking 1.0 upto 53% APY
  • Staking on Staking 2.0 upto 53% APY
  • Liquidity mining on Farming 1.0 upto 290% APY
  • Liquidity mining on Farming 2.0 upto 290% APY

We also have Refferal Platform coming up which will reward users on Referring their friends and family.


  • 在Staking 1.0质押APY 高达53%
  • Staking 2.0质押APY 高达53%
  • Farming 1.0的流动性挖掘APY高达290%
  • Farming 2.0的流动性挖掘APY高达290%




Tell us all the developments that you guys have made with your Cross Chain Staking Platform.


By today we have made multiple partnerships which are using are Cross Chain Staking Platform. These partners include:

  • ACXT
  • BNB and coming up MOVR

All these are listed on our Staking Platform: app.deficliq.com

All these partners contribute to our Total Value Locked of more than 5,000,000 USDT.


  • ACXT
  • BNB and coming up MOVR

所有这些都已登陆我们的质押平台:app. deficit liq.com




Many community fans were enthusiastic about DefiCliq, so what are the upcoming deployments of the DefiCliq? Is there anything you can tell us in advance?


Sure, We are launching Staking 3.0 on Moonriver which is one of the most hyped project at the moment keeping in view that Polkadot parachain auction schedule has already been announced.

当然,我们正在Moonriver上发布Staking 3.0,这是目前最热门的项目之一,因为Polkadot Parchain拍卖计划已经公布。


We are going to have one of the biggest TOKEN BURN event in the crypto space, as per the plan we have planned to BURN 44.60% of TOTAL CLIQ SUPPLY. This week we are going to burn more 10% of TOTAL SUPPLY and in the upcoming weeks more 22.60% TOTAL SUPPLY will be burnt.



Apart from Moon river we will also be launching our Staking platform on AVALANCHE. This will be DefiCliq Staking 4.0.

除了Moon river,我们还将在AVALANCHE上推出我们的质押平台,这将是DefiCliq的Staking 4.0。


Today we have a big partnership coming up, this partnership will  be of the bridge that we will be using to bridge CLIQ from ETH to MOVR. This partnership will be announced today at 4 PM UTC.

今天我们还将有一个重大合作伙伴关系宣布,这个合作伙伴将是我们用来将CLIQ从ETH连接到MOVR的桥梁。这项合作将于今天下午UTC 4点宣布。


We are also launching  CROSS CHAIN BRIDGES which will not only help CLIQ but will also help other projects in bridging from one blockchain to another. This will help DefiCliq TVL increase exponentially.

我们还将启动快链桥接,这不仅将帮助CLIQ,也将帮助其他项目从一个区块链连接到另一个区块链,将有助于DefiCliq TVL呈指数级增长。


Referral Platform: A referral platform is also gonna launch which will incentivise users on the basis of users referring their friends and family to use our platform.


As a conclusion EXPLOSIVE days are very very near and will last for very long time. STAY EXCITED.



Q9:在今天的活动现场,有很多非常看好DefiCliq 的朋友,作为DefiCliq 创始人、CEO以及一名极具专业视野的加密从业者,您有没有什么心得体会或者赠言想要送给大家的?

At today’s event, there are many friends who are very optimistic about DefiCliq. As the founder and CEO of DefiCliq as well as an encryption practitioner with a very professional vision, do you have any experiences or comments to give for us?


I came to know about these guys through a referral so it would definitely mean that these guys are really great. Few things i would like to add is smooth conversation, deep understanding of Crypto Market, very supportive and we are very much excited to partner with these guys and hope to create very amazing things with these guys support.
